Zero to a Billion


David A Kriegman
Dudley Court
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Zero to a Billion is an insightful, practical, how-to guide for entrepreneurs who want to build a successful government contracting business, written by an experienced and respected expert in the field. The federal professional services market is one of the world s largest, and one of the most competitive. Companies struggle to compete and prosper. In Zero to a Billion, David Kriegman, former SRA International executive, presents techniques to help companies succeed where many have failed. His book goes beyond standard compliance books to provide answers to questions like these:

• Why do some companies grow while others stagnate or go out of business?

• How do you differentiate yourself and compete with much larger companies?

• Why do you lose work when the customer says you are doing a good job?

• How do you attract, retain, and motivate top talent?

• Why do some acquisitions succeed while others are considered less than a success or even a failure?

Kriegman draws on his thirty years of experience to illustrate the essential lessons of strategy, business development, cultural issues and operations with real-world examples and actionable ideas. The book is recommended for new and mid-career managers as well as seasoned executives.