The Lilitu


Toby Tate
Permuted Press
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It s been one month since the beast once known as Lilith MacIntyre and her unborn child have been taken to a secret facility in Connecticut. CIA operative Gabrielle Gabe Lincoln is now tracking the others involved in Lilith s organization. She soon finds most of them are Lilitu, a race of beings as old as time who may have once dominated the galaxy itself.

When the Lilitu realize that Gabe has been following them, they capture her and infect her with a mind-controlling parasite. They take her to an off-the-grid shack in the middle of the Australian outback and use her knowledge to their own advantage as they prepare for the final assault upon humanity.

Unless Gabe can be shaken from her zombie-like state and stop the Lilitu from advancing their agenda, mankind may soon be facing not only the loss of its place as the planet s dominant species, but its utter annihilation.

"This novella packs one hell of a punch!" TT Zuma, Horror World