Midnight Moon


Marilee Brothers
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The Trimarks are planning an invasion. And the only thing standing in their way is Allie and the moonstone.

All Allie wants is a normal life friends, boys, school dances. Right. Like that s going to happen.

In two weeks, during the summer solstice, Allie s going to face the biggest challenge of her life, fighting against time to save the world from a Trimark invasion. You d think the world of weird might leave her alone to plan how she s going to survive. But nothing in Allie s world is simple or easy, especially when she s attacked by Trimarks trying to steal the moonstone. Then Sammie disappears into the faery world of Boundless, and Allie must follow and bring her home, only to find the fairy queen, Luminata, isn t about to let Allie leave. So, what s a girl with magical powers supposed to do?

Fortunately, she has a team to help her, a team with special talents of their own.

Marilee Brothers is a former high school teacher turned full-time author. She married her college crush, and they have three sons. Marilee lives in Washington State, where she s hard at work on her next book.