Historia y biografías

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The Ultimate Book of Heroic Failures

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Stephen Pile
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Anyone can be a success, but it takes real and original genius to foul up big time. These are the all-time greats, Gods in our field of study, surreal artists, who spurn mere drab success ( I m a winner, Lord Sugar ) to explore the vast, magical, life-enhancing possibilities of getting it wrong. (...)

The Untold Story of Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother

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Lady Colin Campbell
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The Wagner Clan

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Jonathan Carr
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For more than three decades Jonathan Carr (1942-2008) served as a foreign correspondent, initially in Geneva, Paris and Brussels, later as bureau chief of the Financial Times and the Economist in Germany. A regular visitor to the Bayreuth festival, his interest grew steadily in the saga of the (...)

The White Goddess

Imagen de The White Goddess
Robert Graves
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This labyrinthine and extraordinary book, first published more than fifty years ago, was the outcome of Graves's vast reading and curious research into strange territories of folklore, mythology, religion and magic. Erudite and impassioned, it is a scholar-poet's quest for the meaning of European (...)

The Wind Dog

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Tom Paulin
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The 'wind dog' is a broken rainbow, but, in the title poem of Tom Paulin's sixth collection, it provides this most agile of poets with a perfect bridge into childhood and its 'lingo-jingo of beginnings'. The poem is a gloriously singing meditation on the life of the ear - 'the only true reader' - (...)

The Windvale Sprites

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Mackenzie Crook
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When a storm sweeps through the country, Asa wakes up the next day to find that his town is almost unrecognisable trees have fallen down, roofs have collapsed and debris lies everywhere. But amongst the debris in his back garden Asa makes an astounding discovery the body of a small winged (...)


Imagen de Theo
Glattauer, Daniel
Marca de agua digital
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Un libro divertido, lleno de sensibilidad y de emociones que llegan al corazón del lector. Theo es el sobrino del autor de bestsellers Daniel Glattauer. Cuando nació, su tío tomó la determinación de observar y describir cómo iba creciendo ese pequeño ser. A Theo le gustó la idea y colaboró (...)

Thich Nhat Hanh

Imagen de Thich Nhat Hanh
Baudouin, Bernard; Chadelat, Céline
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Vive el camino de la paz

Thomas Merton

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Elvira Rodenas
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La obra de Thomas Merton nos da las claves para resolver nuestras propias contradicciones, que también fueron las suyas: la vida de fe y la duda, la soledad y la necesidad de vivir para los otros, la presencia de Dios y su ausencia, la pobreza y la necesidad de una estabilidad económica.

Three Days in May

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Ben Brown
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Ben Brown's political thriller takes us behind the doors of Number Ten in May 1940 during three pivotal days in British History when, extraordinarily, giving in to Hitler was seriously considered.Having urgently assembled the British war cabinet, the new Prime Minister is confronted with an intense (...)
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