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Under Pressure

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Emma Carlson Berne
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Elise comes from a long line of college athletes. More than anything else, she wants to wear the University of North Carolina uniform and play for the college where her parents went. It's a lot of pressure, but if she works hard, she just might make it. At least that's what Elise thinks before she (...)

Under the Channel

Imagen de Under the Channel
Gilles Pétel
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Under the Hammer

Imagen de Under the Hammer
Fiona Watson
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Under the influence

Imagen de Under the influence
Andrea Arce
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Beverly is a teenager trying to fit in with her peers. Dj her new friend has the same problems. Dj is duplicious, her secret aim is to get Beverly into her lifestyle. Beverly with her need for friendship and acceptance is worldly naive. she fell heavily into Dj's way of life. An evening of drinking (...)

Under the light of my stars

Imagen de Under the light of my stars
Antonia Garcia
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This book has family stories that date back from 1875 to the present. Stories that took place at the rancherías (rural settlements) in the region of los Altos de Jalisco, Mexico, during and after the Cristero revolution. It recounts the ways of living, celebrations, and disciplines passed on from (...)

Under the Magnolias

Imagen de Under the Magnolias
Suzanne Greenslade
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Suzanne Greenslade, nacida en Atlanta (Georgia), nos describe a través de las 85 imágenes que contiene este libro, su infancia pasada en el Sur. Sus recuerdos de aquellos días están íntimamente ligados a Willie Mae, la señora negra que la cuidaba hasta que se fue a la universidad, y que se (...)

Under the Red Sun

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Ben Peek
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The story of a man searching for the people who stole his sister's body. From controversial and critically acclaimed writer Ben Peek's Dead Americans, this short story is one of a set of dark, weird, and surreal fiction from one of the modern masters of the form.ChiZine Publications (CZP) curates (...)

Under the Shade of Olive Trees

Imagen de Under the Shade of Olive Trees
Merijn Tol Nadia Zerouali
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Dutch writers and cooks Nadia Zerouali and Merijn Tol are in love with the culture and foods of the Mediterranean-Arabian world. They set out on a journey that took them across Morocco and Tunisia, Syria and Lebanon, Sicily and Spain, to experience the rich, exotic flavors of the Middle East. Here, (...)

Underfail. Historia alternativa

Imagen de Underfail. Historia alternativa
Marca de agua digital
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¿Podrá Dei superar las trampas que esconde el subsuelo y sobrevivir a la estupidez de los monstruos para rescatarlos?


Imagen de Underground
Luis Miguel González Cruz
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"Underground" es una obra de teatro que se desarrolla en un escenario, no por cotidiano menos fascinante: una red de metro; y en concreto, la red de metro de la ciudad de Madrid...
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